Dec 11, 2008

Made with Love

Yesterday I had a private baking class conducted at my home. A lady wanted to learn to bake a perfect pound cake with fruits and no liquor. And had wanted to decorate with fondant too. She had intentionally wanted an X-rated figurine to be constructed in full 3 Dimension. But in the end, she found out that her hubby wasn't too sporty on such things. And had to settle for a cake with a simple figurine.

So here it was, a cake made with love from a woman to a man. Not just any man, but someone she loves and adores and goes all out to have this cake baked and decorated to his delight.

The cake was a rich fairy light pound cake that was laced with dried cranberries. It was then covered in strawberry flavoured fondant. The figurine was constructed piece by piece and stuck together with just water and placed on the cake. The sides with covered with a clear ribbon that had golden hearts on it.

I also gave her extra fondant to bring home to practice on her skills in modelling.

When my hubby came home, I showed him the photo of the cake and he said "Why I didn't get one for mine?"


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