Jul 31, 2008

In the Garden

As it is often heard, or said...that Life is short. So in our busy lifestyles, we should take time off and away from it all and smell the roses and soak into the warm and love of friends and family. Take time to enjoy beauty at its very best and be thankful that God has blessed every moment in your life. Every step of the way.

Imagine standing under a canopy of hundreds of Jade Vine plants..you would think you are in Flower heaven! That was how I felt the last time I went up to Cameron Highlands, Malaysia with my family. We visited a beautiful orchard that had flowers of every kind. The kind that you don't see regularly in any florists or even on the NET.

The tour guide told us this only blooms in cooler temperatures. And it was so beautiful. And he pluck 2 of it, put it together and voila..a butterfly is formed.

And this was by far, the most unique flower we saw that day. Its shaped like a lady's shoes.

And this...well, one of Nature's misfits I guess. Once in a while, you get one of these in your little garden too. So whether its in your balcony or up there at Cameron Highlands where strawberries are grown for sale..it happens too.

A peculiar looking strawberry that is shaped like a Butterfly too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, life is short and we should be thankful with everything we've got. After five and a half day work, I enjoy a lot to pay a visit to wholesale market of flowers and plants nearby on Saturday aternoon. That refreshes me a lot spiritually.