Aug 30, 2009

Remembering Raya

Some years back, when hubby took the girls out for jogging, they came home with a kitten. Knowing that I am allergic to cat's fur, my hubby said I should just feed it and then let him go. Because it meowed and meowed non stop and seem to be sick. He cannot seem to see where he is going and knocking into walls and shoe cases which our neighbours had in their front yards.

My hubby also feared that the kitten may walk into the neighbour's flat which had big dogs in there.

So I took a look and check it out. Then I found this poor kitten...that was abused. My heart just broke in several places that day.

He is blind..! But I can that he wasn't born blind. There was blood stains in the empty eye socket and it look like he was abused and somehow someone dug out his eye????

His tiny tail also had rubber bands tied around it. Natasha and Melody calmed him down while painstakingly removed one by one. It was swollen and I had it cleaned with antisepic Dettol and water..and applied some cream to let it healed.

My girls said maybe he had wandered away from his mommy and hurt himself in the eye. I told them that a Mother Cat will teach her young kittens to stay away from humans and other strange animals that are not their kind. If a kitten is extremely friendly to any human, it means that he grew up knowing humans are his family members.

But though he didn't feared us, he hissed and run away from sweet old Beauty, our old Sheltie..the Matriach in the house! But Beauty is gentle and sweet. She mothered him as if he was her little one. Slowly and surely, he warmed up to her love.

We named him Raya because he was found on Hari Raya Puasa in the year 2004. I couldn't keep him for long and SPCA was closed during the Hari Raya holidays. 3 days later, we rang up SPCA to pick him up.

It was to me, the BIGGEST mistake I have made on saving animals. Soon after he was picked up, Natasha's friend managed to get her parents to say YES to adopting RAYA. The next day, the family drove to SPCA, all ready to adopt Raya. But found out that they have already put him to sleep!!!


The answer was "He was sick. And had some feline virus and we do not want him to spread the illness to the other cats here"

I thought they had an area for quarantine??

Our girls cried bitterly when they found out. We should have kept Raya with us just for another day and give to anyone who wants him.

Thankfully, we had keep beautiful photos of Raya during his last 3 days with us and Beauty. We wished that he rest in peace, away from pain and suffering in his short life on earth.

From that day onwards, we learn that if we wanna help anyone or any creature, we must see it through the process and make sure all is well.

So this post is for Raya..remembering him

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